Breathwork is powerful for regulating the energy of anxiety

Breathwork is a powerful way to regulate the energy of anxiety. This study affirmed that no matter how you learn breathwork – in person, online, at home, in a class… the effect is the same. We stabilise our nervous system by breathing slowly & deliberately and we feel calmer.

Slow, deep breathing is proven to reduce the experience of stress and/or anxiety. All breathwork is effective but slow & deep wins out over fast & stimulating (such as Wim Hof breathing / Tummo / cyclical hyperventilation). As little as 2 minutes a day has been proven to have a calming effect but the more you do, the more significant the impact.

Slow-paced breathwork lowers cortisol (a stress hormone), improves HRV (heart rate variability) which is a bio-marker of how stressed or relaxed our nervous system is.

Even just one session can create a positive effect.  Try it with me today. 

Read the full study here:

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