Too relaxed? Yes, that’s a thing.

My biggest learning over the last month has been around ‘parasympathetic over-reaching’. In simple terms this is when we are ‘too relaxed’, understimulated or reducing stress and strain in our lives so much that we take our nervous system too deep into the parasympathetic / rest & digest function. Did you know that too much time deep in the parasympathetic is actually unhealthy for humans? We can get stuck there with low mood, lethargy, frustration and even depression.

The real key to health is balance in the nervous system. Humans need a certain amount of stress to live optimally. Think about what life would be like if everything was easy… The idea is nice but the reality is that humans are amazingly adapatable creatures – we are built for challenge in brain and body. Without any challenge or stress we stagnate, like a swamp on a warm day. What does this look like? Think: Muscle loss, brain fog, apathy, low energy, difficulty concentrating, loss of speed and power, low mood, depression or dysthymia. This is similar to over-training in fitness, but in the other direction.

So how do we move ourselves up out of stuckness in the parasympathetic to a more comfortable state of healthy energy and engagement? It’s literally about getting the blood flowing – with movement, breath, challenge… If you feel stuck try five minutes of movement at a level that is stimulating for you. If you like how you feel, keep going. Or try a stimulating breath practice like Breath of Fire, Wim Hof Breathing, or Kriya yoga. My latest video on upregulating/stimulating breathwork is here:

Experiment with techniques like these that help create energy flow and reduce stagnation in the mind-body system.

Remember, without stress we would not develop, grow and change. Without stress we would lose our amazing human adaptability. Stress is an opportunity. Give yourself a chance to rise to the challenge and come out more resilient on the other side.

Wishing you calm readiness during this busy autumn season.

Ann-Marie x

#nervoussystemregulation #parasympathetic #crossfit #yognidra #breathwork #wimhofmethod #stress #depression #mentalhealth